Southeast Michigan
Branch 2184
The Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan (KIM) Training for NALC Region 6 will be conducted October 12-14, 2024, in Indianapolis, IN this year. It will be held at the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel at the Keystone Crossing over the Columbus Day Holiday weekend. President Walt McGregory has selected over thirty of your Branch 2184 officers and stewards (Contract Enforcers) to participate in this training that will be put on by the Region 6 NBA David Mudd and his office. Some of the classes are Article 16/ Discipline, Joint Statement of Violence & behavior, OWCP/ECOMP, OWCP 2/ A Tale of Two Claims, LMOU, TIAREAP/Route Protection, OWCP CA-2, LMOU, Legislation, Retirement and Article 7.3.C/PTF. We are looking forward to going and receiving this training to bring back and use to help enforce our contract and defend you on the workroom floor.
The TIAREAP MOU with the Postal Service expired 05/31/2024. Our regional office sent this email out to 146 people in the region on 07/25/2024: “On behalf of NBA David Mudd -
The decision has been made to pull all NALC people in region 6 off TIAREAP at the end of Friday July 26, 2024. All NALC people should be back on their routes as of Saturday July 27, 2024.
This is a tough decision to make but the right one under the circumstances.
All adjustments should stop where they are at in the process. If a zone is ready or has been to be sent to DOIS/AMS, or signed off on by the REATs or lead team, it can go forward. All others, in our opinion cannot be worked on anymore.
If management continues to work on zones unilaterally, please file any necessary grievances. Since the TIAREAP MOU ended on May 31, 2024, all adjustments should follow chapter 2 of the M-39 and any applicable MOUs.”
Branch 2184 has taken the position that TIAREAP ended on 05/31/2024 and that any activity after that date is improper and should be grieved.
TIAREAP has not done any good for our branch. We do better with the Minor Route Adjustment process in Branch 2184.
I recently had the opportunity to attend Step B training in Troy Michigan during the week of July 15, 2024, through July 19th, 2024. I learned so much in that week. I want to give a special thanks to President Walt McGregory, for recommending me for this advanced training. I’m looking forward to ‘paying it forward” training letter carriers on how to build better case files prior to sending those files to step B.
Our employer, the United States Postal Service and NALC have agreed to a memorandum of understanding (M-02002) which allows the annual leave carryover limit to be 520 hours versus the normal 440 hours. Career employees, (PTFs and Full Time Regulars) may carry over 520 hours of accumulated annual leave from leave year 2024 to leave year 2025. This MOU will expire on 12/31/2025.
-- Jacqueline McGregory
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President's Report
July / August 2024