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Greetings All!

      Today I am writing to you as a RETIRED Letter Carrier. On July 1 2024, I officially retired from the USPS. The last 39 years have been filled with many joyous and some not so good moments. But after all, I have enjoyed the ride. Thank you to all for your support and well wishes. I will continue to serve as your Branch Vice President.


      As NALC stewards, we all get overwhelmed at times. Sometimes we are wearing too many hats. Take the time to look at your files carefully. Catch the “i” that is not dotted or the “t” that is not crossed. Paying attention to detail will help you build a better case file. Our management counterparts make a ton of errors and it is up to us to catch their errors. Sometimes we can win a grievance just because they made a silly mistake.

      That is why we have to be on top of our game when representing our membership. We have to pay attention to details. Is the EIN correct? Are the listed past elements of discipline correct? Take all those other hats off, put your steward hat on and concentrate on your case file.

Don’t be like them! They are not like us!

Still holding on?

      Now that we have put our other hats back on and moved on, don’t forget to process your files in a timely manner. Each one of our members deserves to have their issue handled as promptly as possible. All issues are important issues and each one should be handled with as much vigor and confidence as the last one. Keep the files moving.


-- Darryl Clay

Vice President

Vice President's Report

July / August 2024

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